Tuesday, 23 October 2012

UNIT 60 (16.1.1)

UNIT 60: 16.1.1

What is editing?

Without the process of removing, adding and manipulating source material, all film and video would have to be shot in a sequence and without mistakes.

What is Elliptical editing?

To help fill in the gaps, so the audience can see where what the character is doing and where she is, helps to move the story on quickly. For example, the video the girl was shown sleeping, but the camera didn’t have to show a close-up because the long shot shows she’s sleeping and where she is.

Why are long shots used?

Long shots are used to keep the audience where of her surroundings and where she is, because in the beginning of the video her partner was seen in the video and then he disappears; so the director would use another long shot to remind the audience that the partner is no longer existent.

What is ‘non-diagetic sound’?

The music that had been added to the scene to set or create an atmosphere or to create tension. For example, when the girl had gone to pick up the ring as she was getting up the music had been played to create the suspense that something bad has happened to her partner. It can be a voice, sound or music and it’s played unnaturally because the actor is not aware what is being played.

How do we know she is bending down to pick up the ring? (What shots are used and why?)

The director had used the close-up of the ring and her hand reaching towards the ring, rather than showing her face going to pick up the ring; this saves times because when she had picked up the ring the camera had shown her face-expression before and after she picked up the ring. The use of the close-up of the ring was to save time of showing her full action. 


Overhead establishing shot – what does this achieve?

Overhead establishing shot is achieved to show the audience who is part of the scene and where everyone is placed and what they are doing. Also, this helps show the audience different status, to show that’s powerful in the conversation.

What is Shot-Reverse-Shot?

It a shot cutting back and forth showing the audience that the people are talking to each other. It shows an understanding that they are in a conversation. It assumes they are looking and talking to each other.

What is Eye-line matching?

The man stands up looks off screen and down and the guy sitting down looks off screen and up but they’re eyes angle show that they’re staring at each other.

Why do we cut to the other members of the group?

So we can see their faces to see the other member’s reaction to the plan the boss has set, and tells the audience their reaction to what is planned and it makes it easier for the audience to know who they are in future references.

What is a wipe?

To move the location at a different place and time and he uses and diagonal shot to make the view seem mysterious or not to scale.

What is the effect of using quick cuts?

This creates a fast rhyme and keeps the audience on their toes because the tension is still there.

Now watch ‘Editing: The Invisible Art’ and take notes:

How can editing build tension and pace?
They use editing to keep build tension and keep the story moving at a good pace.

What is crosscutting?
Cross-cutting is an editing technique most often used in films to establish action occurring at the same time in two different locations. Considered as an editing method in which the point of view (P.O.V) switches alternately from events at one location to those of another related action. This action is usually a simultaneous and used to create a dynamic tension as in the chase scene. For example, in the edge of the world (1987) they use cross-cutting to show the males progress as they climb up the mountain.

What are reaction shots?
Reaction shots,(in a film or video recording) a portrayal of a person’s response to an event or to a statement made by another, is a term used in motion picture production and cinematography referring to a basic unit of film grammar. It is a shot which cuts away from the main scene in order to show the reaction of a character to it. For example in the edge of the world (1987) they used a reaction shot to show the audience the reaction of the people watching the two men climb up the mountain.

What is seamless editing?
Seamless editing is the predominant style of editing in narrative cinema and television. The purpose of seamless editing is to smooth over the inherent discontinuity of the editing process and to establish a logical coherence between shots. For example, the shots are varied by close-up and long shots, showing the men as tiny in contrast with the cliff they are hanging to. This enables the audience to fill in the caps, because when we are used to seeing these sequences in other movies we either expect something bad or good to happen, it keeps us engaged so we don’t notice how it has been constructed.

What is a jump cut?
A jump cut is a cut in film editing in which two sequential shots of the same subjects are taken from camera positions that very only slightly. This type of edit causes the subject of the shots to appear to “jump” position in a discontinuous way. For example in Food for a blush (1959) shows a man with a big black hat next to a big bowl striking at it gong when the sound fades the camera cuts to show a smaller bowl.

What is a flash back and what does it achieve?
A flashback is a transition in a movie or novel when the scene is set in a time earlier than the main story. This makes the audience understand a key moment/scene in the person’s life which explains how they are now. This is known as a back story. It also helps add tension, drama and interest to their stories. For example, in a cottage of dartmor (1928) uses flashback to tell the story, it goes from a convict fleeing across dartmor cottage to a woman with a baby alone in the same cottage. From the way the action is cut together it shows that it’s happening at the same time supposedly this should be the present; however when the woman recognizes the man standing in front of her, the film cuts back to a flashback showing the man “Joe” in a different way, he looked much healthier and seemed to enjoying life. He looks very different from the present. Throughout, the film it shows the flashback to how he became insane because he is seen cutting a woman throat but before he makes another threat the film has gone back to the present to the point where the flashback had started. The flashback made it easier for the audience to understand who this man was and what he done which then makes the present seen complex and emotional because we know what he capable of doing.

How can editing be used poetically?

Poetically editing can be used by symbols, face expressions etc... To make the audience understand the connection between them. For example, in Distance Voice still lives, outside it is raining and umbrellas are shown through then the scene dissolves and zooms into an audience then pan’s across to two woman wiping, this doesn’t make it clear because the connection isn’t obvious, the viewer makes the connection the woman are inside watching something while outside it’s raining. Another example, two men falling in slow motion and eventually crash through a glass maybe through a roof, which breaks up into tiny shades of glass. The director has purposely put these two actions together in order to make the audience think about the connection. This can make the audience wonder because the audience will want to know why the director has chosen this style of editing.

C. Watch ‘Playing with Time’ – watch the film ‘The Gloaming’. Write a short evaluation of the editing used in this film. Refer to detailed examples from the film and use the terminology you have learnt today.

The director had chosen to start with a blackout while the music begins to play, this could have been done to make the audience think the tension will start at the beginning but instead the blackout transits into a Medium Long-Shot of the married couple on their motorbike riding through fields this suggesting they are around the countryside; which is followed by a medium close-up of the wife face, showing how she’s feeling. The shot has changed into a medium shot of behind the motorbike this makes the audience aware they are a married couple which is then followed back into the close-up of the woman’s face again. However, the camera does not seem as its steady because the camera is moving this suggests the cameraman could be on a vehicle and he may not have a good balance with the camera at that they are driving. There is a sudden change in the music because the scene has gone into the fields and changed into another point in time, maybe suggesting it is the present because the woman is no longer present with her husband and the scenery is quite dark, suggesting it is a cold day because the woman look as if she is cold whilst in shock with what has just happened. A close-up had been used to show the woman’s expression. The music has also stopped and you can hear her footsteps as well as her heavy breathing. It seems that the woman is probably looking for her husband whilst she is looking confused since she doesn’t know where she is heading. Music has faded into while she looking around, you would not have noticed because the audience will be paying more attention on where she is going. A flashback has been used to show the couple driving and the music seemed to change into another shows they have used a non-diagetic sound. The woman has stopped and it has gone into a flashback showing her husband telling her to come back onto the bike because she’s standing the way, however the director has combined the shot-reverse-shot as if her husband’s right in front of her, as if he is talking to her at the present moment even though the scenery is different; the music has also gone louder.
Established shot has been used to showing the lake; however it can also be considered a point-of-view shot because she could be facing the lake but the director has chosen not show this in order to save time. The music has faded out so you can hear the birds, whistle, long sound and her movement. The camera has gone to a close-up showing the viewers she is staring at the lake this suggests she remembers something sufficient about the lake, this is then shown with a flash, where the couple are sitting down and the woman is smoking and staring at her husband, music has been added to set the pace. The shot-reverse-shot has been used again to show the woman’s reaction as she remembers what happened; the music fades out when there is a close-up of the grass where the woman’s hand is reaching for the ring, the director has not chosen to follow her action while she goes down to reach the camera when her hand explains how she would of reached for the ring, it has gone back into a close-up to show the woman’s reaction then it zooms out into a medium close-up showing her putting on the ring, then the music that had been playing at the beginning fades in. Which a wipe s used to go back to where she was at the lake with her husband smoking. A wipe is used from the close-up of the woman’s face into a longshot where she’s sitting by a fire pit suggesting she is in the forest because the fire showing the trees and grass in the background; a medium shot is used showing the woman’s hand reaching into her bag and bringing out papers. Also, it shows the woman looking at the fire and papers suggesting she’s thinking of what to do, instead she burns them and a clos-up used showing the paper burning in the fire.
Close-up of the woman face showing she’s cold however they are quick transitions while she closes her eyes quick glimpse of her husband is shown but it is not very clear then the flashback is shown and it seems that their motorbike has broken down because his wife bends down to join him and the music fades out when the scene wipes to another where the couple are standing in the middle of the fields and the camera has turned to their angle using a P-O-V(Point of view) shot to show what the couples are facing, a long shot is used to show the vehicle near in between the fields but the camera seems to be recording from a long angle not eye-length because you can see the grass instead of the road. A medium close-up is used to show the couple looking into the vehicle; the director has used the medium shot to cut out the section where the couple will be walking towards the vehicle. Music is played very loud while you can still hear the wind. Close-ups are used to show what the woman is looking at and touching; then a point of view shot is used to show she has seen something that has interested her, then a close-up is used to show her face expression while she reaches for to see what’s underneath. It wipes to her hand removing the blanket where a skeleton of someone’s face is underneath and it’s a reaction/medium shot was used to show her reaction (she had screamed). Fast pace music was used to increase the tension between the women revealing what was underneath the blanket. Another wipe was used to go back into the present where a long shot is used telling the audience she is still in the forest, and where she’s laying. The music changes into slow pace to go with the scenery. The long shot is used even when she has woken up we can see this through the smoke being passed and as she gets up; which is then followed by a close-up of the woman’s face shows she scared, lost and confused. The background has been blurred so they’re more attention paid to her face. They use quick transition flashback showing her husband standing facing her while still being in the present. The music gradually gets higher increasing the suspense because we don’t know what she is thinking. Drums have been added to the music this normally creates more tension because it can imply something bad could happen. Lastly, she is blurred so she blends into the scenery of the smoke but her shadow is still able to be seen and the music helps fade out the scenery into a blackout.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Legal and Ethical

Legal and Ethical 

What does copyright mean?

The exclusive legal right, given to an originator or an assignee to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material, and to authorize others to do the same

3 different things that could be subject to copyright:
- Audio, Videos and pictures

List two website that give copyright free music:
- royalty free music and airmp3.net

places where you can find free or low fee photographs:
Google, tumblr
Dreamstime.com and shuttershock.com

what is a location release form and why is it needed for filming?

Having the right to use their location and to allow them to show their setting in a film or TV advert. It’s the rights to films/record locations for shooting. It is in form of a contract they have to sign giving the director the right to use the property and how things will be dealt with if equipment is broken.

What is a contributor release form and why is it required?
A form that gives ownership rights. It’s required to commercially exploit the contributers.

Task 4, Video Analysis: Viral Marketing and User Generated

The Characteristics of Existing Interactive Video

The term interactive video usually refers to a technique used to blend interactions and linear films or videos. They are mainly two types of interactive videos, they are viral marketing videos and user generated videos. 

Viral Marketing Videos
Viral marketing videos are a type of marketing techniques used to advertise films or video's to increase brand awareness. They are sent around popular social networks such as Facebook, YouTube, twitter etc. to increase to their viewers and it will also help them to spread their videos around to other countries. They can be delivered to people through the word of mouth or enhanced by the internet. Viral marketing may take the form of video clips, interactive flash games, averages, brand able software’s, text messages, images, email messages or web pages. But the most common used viral marketing is mobile devices. They also create an organisation to make profit from big companies. For example, Cadbury had advertised their chocolate by using a gorilla to play the drums. The video gained many views because viewers had spread the word to their friends mainly through social networks and work of mouth. This benefited the company because they have gained profit from this advert. Another example, SB.TV they are makes video's interviewing artists and producing music videos. They are advertised worldwide because of social networks they influence other people to watch their videos. Both video's use file compression, so it makes it easier for their viewers to see their image quality is very high, also to make it easier for themselves to upload their videos, if people choose to download the video it'll be easier because they will be space in the video. They mainly target teenagers, mostly males because stereotypically females would have much of a big interest in watching a gorilla play the drums or male artist being interviewed because they don't have much in common. Also, they target teenagers because they normally find that sort of videos interesting and they seem to talk about these videos a lot with different friends which influence others to watch their videos. It saves the company money. The purpose of each of the videos is they are trying to entertain their viewers as well as trying to gain new viewers. Cadbury advert their purpose was to entertain their viewers so the advert was eye-catchy while trying to gain Cadbury buyers. Whereas, SB.TV they also entertain their viewers, so they can spread the word to other people or post their videos in different social sites. 
For example,

Cadbury Advert


The Gorilla is playing the drums to the song "In the air tonight" by Phil Collins, for the Cadbury advert. The purpose of this advert was to entertain people, both male and female and all age ranges also, people who enjoy to buy chocolate from the Cadbury brand into buying their chocolate or to gain more buyers. They had used the Gorilla to be unique to show another way of promoting their advert because it would have attracted the young children who find these sorts of things very interesting. The advert had no stereotypical aim, it was aimed at everyone no matter what class, gender etc., they were. The shots were clear because you could see where everything was and the sound was clear too. 

The Maybelline Advert 


Another example is the Maybelline advert. They had used the model Adriana Lim
a to show this advert. She is shown wearing the Liquid foundation and how the foundation works and what it protects. The purpose of this advert was to show woman who wear foundation, how they have upgraded they're foundation into better ones and to persuade woman that this foundation is right for them. Also, to gain buyers. They're target audience was mainly woman who wear make-up mostly teenagers and older woman because they know when woman are around those ages they may feel insecure about their skin. Also, men would not be interested in make-up and the benefits of what it does. The advert was not aimed at any social class even though, the woman they had used was models but because I am one of Maybelline's customers I believe it was not class aimed. The shots, image and audio was clear because everything was heard. They had made the audio higher towards the end because the word "Maybelline" is very catchy to say and easy to remember because it sounds like a song.

Task 4, Video Analysis: User Generator 

On the other hand, user generate videos are video's which are not commercial; they are not produced by big companies, mostly made by amateurs. They are also posted through social network sites so the producers can gain views, or they send their video's around just to entertain people with their latest gossip, their reviews on music video, blogging etc. For example, Cinnamon challenge people post video's entertaining their viewers or to make themselves known in the public, this could also help them to become famous. Another example, they make video's for educational purposes, teaching children different ways they can learn a subject or they may make tutorials about different ways to cut their hair or do their make-up. However, most amateurs videos are not always file compressed they are too big to download, which makes the image blurrily to see. They normally target anybody who is interested in what they do such as make-up tutorials they are targeted to females, who have an interest in wearing make-up; cinnamon challenges they target people who are risk takers etc. 
User Generated Content refers to materials on websites, and occasionally other media sources that are produced by the users of the websites. For example, a website designed by a company which puts forth material produced by professionals. Most cases Amateurs contribute to the content.

For example,

ROCKING NIGHT OUT!!! Completed Look


The woman in the video (Andrea) is showing her viewers her own way to having a "rocking night out" look. The video is mostly aimed at woman who likes those sorts of fashion and make-up because lately, the fashion is very different so woman may need advice on ways to look good. This video was targeted at all races, but mostly to people of her own race because the make-up material she used suited herself and mostly people of her own race. Andrea also tried to gain other viewers who may have not heard her attention because they are searching for the same problem so she made the video for everyone who was aiming for this search and also to gain viewers and subscribers. The digital platform for this video would be the internet on YouTube where most people go to watch videos to be entertained. The video was not pixelated, you were able to see all of her actions only when she had to used eye-liner to do her eyes, the camera may have lost focus because she had to get closer to the camera so people can see how she did it. The video had been edited because in some of the scenes of the video she showed the audience how she made the jacket and the make-up she used for the woman who may want to shop for the brand she uses. The audio had been clear; it was easy to understand what she had been saying because her voice was projected. Also, she had used voice over's because she may of found it difficult to speak while doing her hair and make-up. 


Ask Ayy 3 

This video is about a guy called Alexander but he is called ayy and he made this video for his viewers to ask him questions on twitter, so he could reply to them and the audience can see his views on certain things. He tried to make the video as funny as possible to entertain his fans and also to get his views to promote his video through word of mouth, because the way he acts is very weird which makes the audience want to interact more with him and when they tell their friends they also become interested in watching his video's. His target audience was mainly towards teenagers because they would mainly find his video's funny and teenagers mainly make video's or search for people who make funny videos. Also, the video was aimed at both genders however males would find this video funnier because the responses he says men would find it funny but woman may find them insulting since, most of the questions woman can be used as a response. The video was social classed aimed; at young children from middle class because teenagers in high class would consider the video maybe to be immature and offensive and teenagers from middle class and go to public school would understand his language because he sometimes uses the "ghetto" language. Also, when he speaks in the Jamaican language, people who are not Jamaican will not understand what he is saying. The video attracts mostly at black people because they would understand what he may say and his viewers are mostly black people mostly living in south London because that's where he is from. The digital platform of this video is on the internet (YouTube). The audio was clear because you could understand what he was saying even though they had been a little noise in the background but the video was clear, i was able to see everything clearly

Unit 60: you will be writing a script for your video profile

What's Your Favourite Colour?

White, Black, Blue

What experiences are you proud of?

I managed to overcome my fear of heights, when I had went skiing i had been scared of heights because i had the feared that whenever i was on high buildings i would always think i was going to die, even though, the view from most of the high buildings were not that scary. So i chose to go to the skii trip in France to overcome my fears, which worked because I built new skills of how to maintain my fears to complete my skiing week. But in the end of the week, i had completed my skii course and i hadn't realised i wasn't scared of heights anymore when i was told to ski from the near top of the mountain all the way back to our hotel and i had thought i should try doing this with my eyes open and i felt scared at the beginning but i kept pushing myself and i managed to do it in the end.

What makes you different, from those around you?

what makes me different from people around is that i'm not a very laughing person, it takes a lot to make me laugh, i'm not sure of the reason maybe because i feel like i'm always stressed, but i hardly find things funny but when i do, my friends tell me i have a really weird laugh, they say it sounds like a horse being choked and when i laugh i cry very easily.
Secondly, i have a weird imagination, i always look at real-life situation always in depth, that's why my friends think i have a lot to say; whenever my friends speak i always seem to know how they going to finish off their sentence and i always interrupt finishing of their sentences.

Who or what is your inspiration?

I always found Michael Jackson to be an inspiration to me because all his songs were easy to relate too, especially the song man in the mirror. I grew up living around his music because my Father is a massive fan of his music he would always play his music in the car or at home. Majority of our albums that we own are from Michael Jackson and a few of the album are from Madonna.

Where would you like to be in 10 year time?

Journalist, Model or fashion Designer because since I had been growing up, my mother used to teach me how to make clothes, and I enjoyed watching fashion TV to keep up with the latest fashion or to create my own style from what i had seen. I wanted to also maybe be a model because I enjoy taking pictures. Lastly, a journalist because when I was younger my dad used to tell me stories about places he had visited and his fun experiences, which had made me become interested in learning different cultures.

If you were an animal which one would you be and why?

Leopard because whenever i get my nails done i normally get leopard prints on my nails because they suit my hands. Also, whenever i dress i always try to dress with the theme of a Leopard with the Black and Gold. Lastly, they are furry which feels really nice, they have nice beautiful eye colours, and they make wildlife scenery look really nice. They're part of the Felidae Family.

What Area of media are you most passionate about?

How to use the Camera's, how to set the focus while recording, developing my editing skills.

What’s your greatest achievement so far?

My greatest achievement so far would be when I had gone Skiing in France because i have a huge fear of heights and i thought if I had gone it would help me overcome my fear of heights, which had worked. Another achievement would be, I managed to sing in front an big audience at an Church event because I never really had the confidence to sing in front of people because I used to think I was not as good as others.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

My Video

My Video

This is my video that i had been creating for the 2 weeks of my project. What I had liked about my video was the audio had been clear enough so my voice was heard over the noise that had been in the background and the video frames were clear however when my study buddy had turned the camera to do a medium long shot the camera had lost focus which effected the timing of the video because my study buddy had to adjust the focus and I had been speaking about my fashion interests. I managed to use the music song of my choice “mirror” which went well with the video and the instrumental had helped cover the background noises as well. If I could improve my video I would have planned out my time more wisely and not let myself get distracted easily because I had been planning my video but when I had done the recording I hadn’t thought about the time I would need to edit mine and what scenes I may had to have recorded. The main issue had been when my study buddy and I had been recording our video’s we could not of have kept the SD cards; they had not been many SD cards available, so we had to keep recording until an SD card was available for us to use. Also, sometimes we had to share cameras because another class may have had to borrow the cameras so we would have to wait until an video was available and the microphone would not work, so we would have re-record sections. If I had planned my time more wisely, I think I would have created a better video, because I would have had all the equipment I needed ready and the video would have been much more interesting.
I had removed the sound in my video when I was showing the view of the college and increased the sound of the music but I had not added a voice over because I had thought it would of sounded quite messy even though I had said in the beginning “I go to City of Westminster College”. In the recording I should of paid more attention to the camera rather than looking downwards, if I had done that, maybe the video would of came out a little better. Lastly, I should of planned my introduction so I wouldn’t of became confused and started thinking through the video; also, having the gentlemen by my side helping throughout the video.